Do you ever play the ‘What If’ game?

I do.

Typically 2-3 times per week.

I will sit in my garden overlooking the sea with a pad and pen – normally mid afternoon and then write down some ‘What If’ future problems.

And play around with ideas / solutions.

1. It’s a great way to exercise your brain.

2. It helps you to start solving bigger problems than you need to at this point in time.

3. If any of those future scenarios actually happens you will be better prepared for it.

4. Train your brain to turn problems into opportunities

So one this week that I wrote down was “What If Facebook Only Dealt With Businesses That Spend £10k Per Month Or More With Them?”

It wouldn’t surprise me if something like this came in at some point.

It’s more competitive than ever and must be a real pain in the arse for them to ‘police’ all of the tiny little businesses that have no idea what they’re doing.

eg. PT’s that are constantly dicking around with ‘before and afters’ and trying to sneak ‘lose 2 stone in 6 weeks’ through on their copy!!

Why not introduce a minimum account spend and build proper relationships with businesses that take it more seriously.

I spent 30 minutes in creative mode and came up with some beauties.

If it was to happen today I would find out a way to accelerate our growth plans until we hit the £10k per month spend.

However it won’t happen today.

But I can certainly continue to set my businesses up in a way that is prepared should it happen within the next few years.

The usual stuff.





Offline stuff with free giveaways to our local market.


All the stuff that I keep going on about.

When you lose a company that you have invested years of hard work and money into and have to make lots of friends redundant in the process [friends that had young families] – you kinda learn to ‘expect the unexpected’

I now have a group of companies that employs friends and family and others.

I will not let it happen again just because Zuckerberg wakes up one day and decides to move the goal posts.

Why not have a go yourself?

Grab a pen.

Grab a pad.

and play the ‘What If’ game.


Play the ‘stick my head in the sand’ game.

Assume that we will carry on living in the land of unicorns and rainbows forever.

Up to you.


Ps: The only 121 mentoring I am doing right now is with guys that have an interesting project. Big goals. Big ambition. But a lack of clarity on how to achieve it. Guys that want to grow their biz to £500k-£1m+. I have a very strict ‘No Dickhead’ policy. Don’t reach out if you 1. procrastinate or 2. say ‘but’ a lot. 

If you do want to reach out, then just email me direct on [email protected]

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