Want A 7 Figure Fit Biz?

Do you have a grand vision for how your life will look in a few years time? Big biz running on autopilot? Multiple locations? High profit margins? Huge impact on 1000’s of clients every week – amazing results? Creating a fitness biz asset that someone else...

What If…..Facebook Disabled Your Account?

Do you ever play the ‘What If’ game? I do. Typically 2-3 times per week. I will sit in my garden overlooking the sea with a pad and pen – normally mid afternoon and then write down some ‘What If’ future problems. And play around with...

How To Supercharge Your Day

Most fitness business owners ‘firefight’ their way through the day. Certainly the guys that are struggling to grow their biz. There is a bit of structure there – eg sessions. But other than that they have a huge list of things noted down that they...

Laptop Entrepreneur?

What’s driving you? What is it that gets you out of bed each day absolutely determined to make the most of it? Anything? It’s changed for me over the years. But one of the things that drives me to do what I do is having the ability to travel. I LOVE it. It...

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