Do you have a grand vision for how your life will look in a few years time?

Big biz running on autopilot?
Multiple locations?
High profit margins?
Huge impact on 1000’s of clients every week – amazing results?
Creating a fitness biz asset that someone else wants to buy for 7 figures?

Lots of time and money to travel and explore. 
Funds to then invest in other businesses and property.
More time to spend with family and friends.

Most do.

If asked whether this would be desirable most gym owners / Personal Trainers say ‘Yes Please’


[always a But]

Most [not all] do not go beyond learning how to run a few Facebook ads.

If you really do want to create that type of vision as described above, then I recommend you start to think like a business owner with that type of business.

Have a bit of fun here.

Grab pen and paper

And at the top write CEO.

Below this write down 5 different departments.

Sales Dept – these guys focus on sales. Maximising conversion rates from leads. They focus on new business every single week. 

Marketing Dept – these guys focus on helping to generate leads. They work close with the sales guys. They focus on brand awareness. Also the prospect journey from awareness through to offer/sale. 

Operations / Admin – Processes / Systems / Reports – making sure that everything that is in place is working properly. That service standards are being met and helping to identify anything that needs improving. 

Product / Service delivery – In our game this is ensuring that the actual delivery of sessions and the whole client experience is an amazing one – from week 1 through to week 52.

Finance – ensuring the business is running at a profit – in fact helps to identify ways of maximising that profit. Makes sure the business is not overspending. Has enough in the bank to cover all anticipated costs.

If your business is just you at the minute then you will be performing all of those roles above.

This is NOT a problem

Just make sure you allocate time in your diary each week to be the HEAD of that department.

eg. 2 hours per week being the Finance Director.

90 mins each day to be the Marketing Director.

Get into the frame of mind of being the actual head of that department. Write down the things that you need to do. Measure your own performance.

If you have a business with staff already then even better.

If you have a trainer or two working for you then they work in the ‘Service Delivery ‘ department. Manage them. Work with them to help achieve the best results.

If you have a Part time admin, then they work for you in the Operations department.

At the end of each month take time to assess how each department is performing. A few hours each month is fine.

Be honest.

What needs improving the following month.

If you start to do this NOW then before you know it this early vision [you know the crazy one where we talk about creating a 7 figure business] starts to become a reality.

When you hire staff it then becomes easier to create a job description and easier for you to manage them – because you have been performing this role already.

When I started our biz back in 2012 and I was working in a local park with 6 ladies
this was one of the first things that I did.

I was earning less than I was spending and living off credit cards but the above vision is what I had in mind. 
I took time out each week to be the Sales Guy / the Marketing Guy/ the Ops guy.

Now this was easy for me to do because we had these departments in place with my previous company from 2004-2008. We had 31 staff and were turning over just under £2m each year before the company folded.

But because I had worked like that for 4 years it was easy enough for me to imagine those departments in place for my new company.

You know it makes my chuckle a little bit at the moment when I see other guys that have learnt how to do a few Facebook ads talking to their clients about this sort of stuff. They’ve read a few chapters of ‘Good to great’ and start using buzz words like ‘vision’ and ‘values’

– without fully understanding the true meaning.

Like I said 
Have a bit of fun with this.

Get into character mode – adopt different personality traits for each person if you really want to. eg Head of sales is a crazy extrovert that loves to live every day like its his last
Head of operations might be an introverted nerd that secretly loves Twilight!!



Ps: 1 place is available at the end of this month for those that want to advance their Facebook marketing skills and learn how to start running their business as described above on my PT500K Club programme. Let me know if you want any more info.

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Facebook Ads Master Report, Plus Step By Step Guides On

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